CDM 2015 – How Bradley-Mason comply

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) came into force on 6 April 2015, replacing CDM 2007. It is essential that as construction professionals we understand the different roles we play and obligations under legislation as well as more widely to clients, other construction professionals and to the public wherever they may be […]

Protimeter Salt Analysis

Moisture is a primary cause of a large percentage of problems in buildings. Blistering, corrosion, decay, delamination, efflorescence and freeze/thaw damage are just a few of the common defects associated with moisture in a building. Unfortunately, rectifying the damage caused by moist conditions within building elements can be extremely problematic, troublesome and expensive to repair. […]

An overview on the Minimum Energy Standards and possible implications on Dilapidation Issues.

The Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEES or ‘MEPS’) will affect commercial property Landlords and Tenants from the 1st April 2018.  The new legislation (MEES) came into force following the Houses of Parliament approving The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property in England and Wales) Regulations 2015 under the Energy Act 2011 in March 2015. The regulation […]

Reinstatement works at Tadcaster Medical Centre

Bradley-Mason LLP have been appointed as Project Managers, overseeing the reinstatement works at Tadcaster Medical Centre following flood damage caused to the building.  The works entail a full strip-out of internal finishes including flood damaged plaster and a full refurbishment across the ground floor.  Prior to commencement of the works on each phase, specialist drying […]

Flood Mitigation Grant Application Assistance by Bradley-Mason

Commercial property owners and business owners that have been flooded may be eligible to apply for a Flood Mitigation Grant (also known as a Flood Resilience Grant or Repair and Renew Grant). The purpose of this grant is to provide funding for measures designed to improve the property’s resistance or resilience to flooding, over and […]

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